
Pronunciation guide: ni·ga·naw·ti·get
  1. Part of speech: noun animate
    Translation: Tail blazer

    • trail blazer
    • head swamper
    Example of word used in sentence:
    Alternate forms:
      niganawtig'tijig, trail blazers (plural)
      niganawtigelitl, a trail blazer (fourth person)

  2. Part of speech: verb animate intransitive
    Translation: He/she is a head swamper

    • head swamper
    • blaze trail
    Example of word used in sentence:
    Alternate forms:
      niganawtigei, I am a head swamper (first person singular animate)
      niganawtigeieg, We are head swampers (first person dual exclusive animate)
      niganawtiga'tieg, niganawtig'tieg, We are head swampers (first person plural exclusive animate)
