Pronunciation guide: naan
Part of speech: noun
Translation: Na'n
Example of word used in sentence:
Mali na'n te'sipuna't.
Mary is five years old.
Alternate forms:
newtisga'q jel na'n , 15
nanisga'q , 50
na'newa'j , 5th animate
na'newei , 5th inanimate
na'nijig , 5 animate
nangl , 5 inanimate
nana'igl , 5 dollars
nanipuna't , 5 years old
nanipunqeg , 5 years
nanuguna'q , 5 days
nanitpa'q , 5 nights
na'nunemigsijig , 5 kinds of animates
na'nunemi'gl , 5 kinds of inanimates
nanamugsijig , 5 colors of animates
nanamu'gl , 5 colors of inanimates
nananqasijig , 5 animate sheet-like
nananqegl , 5 inanimate sheet-like
nanapsg'sijig , 5 animate globe-like
nanapsgegl , 5 inanimate globe-like
nanoqsijig , 5 animate cylinder-like
nana'ql , 5 inanimate cylinder-like
nan'tqasijig , 5 animate string-like
nan'tqegl , 5 inanimate string-like