Pronunciation guide: ges·kê·ma·bêl·ki·gwaa·la·dêl
Part of speech: verb animate transitive
Translation: He/she performs magic to him/her
make someone see things that are not there
perform magic
Example of word used in sentence:
La'sgug ignmaj gesgmaplgigwa'lultew.
If you give him/her cards, he/she will perform magic for you.
Alternate forms:
gesgmaplgigwa'l'g, I perform magic to someone (first person singular animate subject, third person singular animate object)
gesgmaplgigwa'lul, I perform magic to you (first person singular animate subject, second person singular animate object)
gesgmaplgigwa'lit, He/she performs magic to me (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)