Lexemes for category game

1. alje'maqan

2. alje'maqanatgw
baseball bat

3. alje'mat
play ball

4. alje'muinu
baseball player

5. apatte'mat
win back a loss

6. apatto'sit
break even

7. apigjilu'ta'tl
skunk (in a game like cribbage)

8. atgnewatl
deals to him/her
distribute (playing) cards to

9. atgnewet

10. atnamgewei
checker game

11. atnaqan

12. atnaqanei
checker board

13. atnat
play checkers

14. awanmila'sit
plays poorly

15. elamgo'lajig
play solitaire

16. elaqalsewatl
play a gambling game for
play for (in cards and board games)

17. elegetas'g
item to be raffled off
prize in game of chance

18. elegetoq
raffle (off)

19. elege'wi'sgw
queen in deck of cards

20. elege'wit
king in deck of-cards

21. gespu'tuatl
defeat (in game)
beat (in game)

22. gespu'tuet
win by overcoming

23. getmete'gl
win all
break all
destroy all

24. gitmaqan
count stick (in waltes game)

25. glep
club (in cards)

26. ila'sgugutimg
card playing time
card playing place

27. ila'sgw
playing card

28. jaqalta'tl
finish off fast (in boxing, game or cards)

29. je'g
jack (in cards)
Jack (name)

30. lasgugutimg
card playing time
card playing place

31. lasgugwaqan
card game

32. lasgugwet
plays a card game

33. la'sgw
playing card

34. logowit

35. menta'tl
beat or strike out(in a game)
knock off
remove by striking

36. mgumie'jg
horseshoe game

37. mistun
ace of spades

38. na'naq
fives (in cards)
fives (in sizes)
fives (in pairs or more)

39. newtui'gasit
have single mark
ace card

40. nujipetqa'muet

41. o'pliwenaqto'sit
mistakenly raise the pot (poker)
skip wrong (Shubenacadie)

42. pi'g
spade (in cards)

43. pisgweto't
hit into (net, goal or hole)

44. pitto'tultimg
auction forty·five (card game)

45. si'staq
pair or more of treys (in cards)

46. ta'puaq

47. ta'puowa'j
second one
deuce(playing cards)

48. toqanqaja't
paired up (in stud poker)

49. tu'aqan

50. tu'aqanatgw
baseball bat

51. tu'at
play baseball
play ball

52. uggamlamun
heart (in cards)

53. waltes
wooden plate used in dice game
Mi'gmaw game of chance

54. waltestaqan
waltes dice
round bones or dice used in dice game

55. waltestat
play waltes dice

56. waltesta'timg
playing Mi'gmaw game of chance
dice game playing

57. welnat
have good hand (in a card game)

58. wenaqpmaqan
lacrosse stick

59. wenjujgwej
French woman
Queen of Spades in deck of cards

60. wesua'teget
haul in pot (in poker game)